I am Pablo Martín Torrego, although I sign my work under the pseudonym of PMATORREGO, which is an acronym of my name. I was born in the city of Salamanca, where I got qualified as Graphic Designer. I currently reside in Madrid, where, apart from took the degree of Graphic Designer at the European University, I work in other projects with the aim of improving and developing my skills in the field of design, creativity and art direction.
I pursue continued education in order to offer a wide range of apptitudes in relation with this field, in order to cover it in a complete and innovative way.
Below you can appreciate both professional and personal examples of my work, in which my style and personal idea of design are reflected.
Pablo Martín Torrego (Pmatorrego)
Eugenio García Sandoval, Nº6, portal 6, 2ºD,
06800 Mérida (Badajoz) SPAIN
(+34) 678 298 744
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